Saturday, March 17, 2012

Altitude Makes the Difference

Integral theory eventually moves us past dualistic thinking.  The lower levels polarize thinking. Each worldview labels adherents as heroes and all others as betrayers or heretics.  Thus our only alternatives are to see people as sinners or saints [Blue], winners or losers [Orange], or sensitive or biased [Green]. In today's complex world such a choice is incredibly inadequate.

Looking at the different levels as necessary stepping stones in both human and societal development opens up a far more nuanced understanding of "where people are coming from." When I begin to accept the integral principle that the mature human person incorporates the healthy aspects of all the levels, there are at least ten different ways of expressing any given political, psychological or religious view.  This does not eliminate moderate and extreme points of view; but allows one to see extreme or moderate behavior on each level.  By recognizing an extremist viewpoint as representing the passion of a specific level, a person can respond appropriately to people in that level [all levels are potentially in each person - but each person finds his or her center of gravity in one or two worldviews].

Each worldview has a preferred language, value system, and frame of reference. So we may need to be multi-lingual in our own language if we hope to be understood, or to understand another for that matter.  We speak colors and cultural languages as well as ethnic and national languages.

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An invitation to understand "other" wordviews

What color is your world?

Each color is a shortcut for an entire worldview!