Thursday, March 15, 2012

An Interesting Challenge

MOST PEOPLE ARE SINCERELY RESPONDING TO THE WORLD THEY PERCEIVE! What they see is what you get!  I am creating this website in an attempt to bring this concept to as many people as possible. When I first discovered Ken Wilber's Integral Theory and Don Beck's Spiral Dynamics, so many things that I was thinking [and teaching] fell into place in my mind.  Please, take the time to reflect on that first sentence. It will never mean that we agree with "them" but it does call us to respect "their" integrity and consider what "they" say.  There are eight current worldviews presented. Each worldview has emerged in response to a serious problem faced by our ancestors. Their initial response "solved" their current crisis but eventually became the new "stumbling block" in human and social development. Beck and Wilber are mapmakers! They looked at "what they saw" and asked and continue to ask people to keep things in context, not condemn people in a way that sells them short.  This website is dedicated to all people who "think" before they judge!

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An invitation to understand "other" wordviews

What color is your world?

Each color is a shortcut for an entire worldview!