RED: Power View Impulsive Self/Feudal Empire - 8,000 BCE
20 % of pop./ 5 % of power [Egocentric]
20 % of pop./ 5 % of power [Egocentric]
Looking back at the Magic Worldview as – superstitious and naive
We now see - the world as a jungle where only the strongest and most cunning survive
So – we must be what we are and do what we want no matter what the consequences – we must avoid shame and get respect
By - breaking free from any domination or constraint to please myself as I desire
I call the shots without guilt or remorse. I take what I need
With - power and violence if necessary
Eventually - the violence become so great that we search for the deeper meaning of life and death and we find “God: the creator, designer, and ruler of this world”
Therefore we must repaint the world - Blue Mythic View
In process . . .